Sunday, December 18, 2011

From my heart

To become a born-again believer in Jesus Christ is very easy. We all want freedom, we all want for someone to break our chains of sin. But the life of a born-again believer is anything but easy. It can be simple in the fact that we live by the Word of God and the leading of His Spirit...and our hearts desire is to serve the Lord. But I wonder how many people think being a Christian means to be "perfect" with no problems or struggles?

My Life with God has been a beautiful masterpiece full of bright colors. But it has no straight lines, the shading could be fixed and you sometimes have to take a step back to really see how magnificent it is. I have some spots that have thicker paint...other spots that are barely covered. But all's the start of something great. He is still holing the brush, and He continues to change the colors sometimes, but I know He has a end result that will tie it all together.

Some days I feel like I'm tired of the same color, I just want something different. Sometimes He's been doing so much that my canvas is soaked! Other days, He waits for the paint to dry before He adds another coat.

Right now, it seems He's waiting for some parts to dry before He covers them and adds more colors (you know when you add too many colors to already wet paint, it all ends up black! LOL). I don't know about other believers but drying can sometimes be painful (like being in the desert). I went through most of my life thinking that if I just made more rules for myself and kept telling myself I was "fine" then I would be flawless. Truth is...I can't save myself. Ha, I can't even heal myself. I've tried all the medicines in the cabinet. I can't do it. I can't fix me.

I know the only thing that works. Catch is...sometimes it might take longer to heal than other times. You just have to keep applying it. And that thing that works...that thing that heals...that thing that prayer. Heart to heart communication with God, with no "I'm fine's".

Prayer is not just for saying "thanks" to God. It is so much more than just that. See, God isn't going to sit there and just heal us without us giving Him what is broken. He isn't pushy like that. He doesn't heal us just to heal us, He does it because He loves us. And since He loves us, don't you think He wants us...all of us?
Yet, we find so many people still lost out there because they think they have to get "perfect" before they pray.
Last time I checked Jesus came because we NEEDED Him...He came to cover our sin...not to cover our "perfectness"...that just wouldn't make sense.

And we always need Him...meaning we will always be having issues, problems, struggles etc.
So why do we pretend everything is "fine"? Like no one else has problems.
Yeah, name one person who doesn't. I sure have not met them.

I was praying today about some things that are heavy on my heart and some things that I need to change in my life (before God can put another coat on). I was on my knee's crying to the Lord and I said "I feel so alone"...but then God reminded me that I'm really not.
God didn't send Jesus because we were perfect, but because we were messed up, and we still are, and we STILL need Him. Everyday. All the time. We just can't do it without Him. None of us can.

But satan wants us to think that we are "alone" and that no one else has problems...because then we think we don't deserve God. Um...did we EVER deserve Jesus. NO!
And the truth are not alone.

Peter wrote letters to the church (us) to encourage them on how to live for the Lord...
"Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers (and sisters) throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings" 1 Peter 5:8-9

Then James wrote to the twelve tribes...
"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed" James 5:16

Are we willing to do this? To admit that each other is not alone, and to pray for each other and to confess our struggles to our brothers and sisters so that the enemy won't have an opportunity to "devour" us when we are down?

I am so happy I talk to people I'm close to about things I am going through..."as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" Proverbs 27:17...sharpening doesn't always "feel good"...actually most of the time it hurts...but it makes me sharp...even if some little pieces need to be cut off.

I pray you would seek help (not because you are "crazy"...but because you are *gasp* human). Ask God to put people in your life that will give you good counsel, and that maybe you would help too...iron sharpens iron...vis versa too.

I'll leave you with some more encouragement from the Lord that I am also applying...

"My Princess...
I want you to be content

You were given My peace when you let Me into your life. It is possible, My princess, to enjoy your life with a peaceful mind and a contented heart. You have so much to look forward to when you're settled in your heavenly home with Me. But for now you must remember that nothing you buy or collect will calm your spirit or soothe your soul like I can. You came into this world with nothing, and that is how you will leave it. Let Me do more than give you the good gifts this life has to offer. I will give you a place of peace, decorated with delight and filled with memories that will be more cherished than anything this world has to offer. So let Me be your treasure, and I will give you a rich life that will become more beautiful than anything money can buy.
Love, Your King and your Contentment"
("His Princess" Sheri Rose Shepherd)

Peace be with you as you pray, talk and follow God with all your heart :)

Monday, December 12, 2011

"The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part One" [Mandy's Review]

On Friday I saw Breaking Dawn Part One with a friend. I went in expecting to have to close my eyes during the honeymoon scene and needing some kind of reminder of reality once out of the theater. To my surprise, it felt like any other movie.

Take away the strange fantasy of Vampires and Werewolves and you have your typical fantasy-relationship movie, full with what girls want to hear, temptation, passion and a little twist in there to keep you on the edge of your seat. However, just like some fantasy-relationship movies it has scenes of partial nudity and of course the "bed scene".

Should we watch this movie?

I would not recommend teenagers watch it!

It seems harmless, but like the majority of Hollywood's productions these days, they create a picture of a relationship that does not exist (and never has). Even at my age of 22 it is hard for me to take captive my thoughts after a movie like this.

In my other posts I've been going over the subject of "are we guarding our hearts?". This post I believe will keep with that theme.
There is no way we can change the media and what movies are going to be produced, but what we have the power to change is if they influence us or not.

Parents need to realise the power movies have on their teens outlook on love and romance. No matter how much you talk to them, it is easier as human beings to go by what we see.

The twilight books were written to whisper in the ears of women's desires, mainly in their 20's all the way to mid 40's. The Saga exploded and teenagers wanted a piece of the desirable invisible pie too. I wanted it too. It took me weeks after seeing the first one to tell my head that this type of relationship NEVER DID and NEVER WILL happen.

I do not recommend this movie for teens because in teen years they are still building their "world". How they see things. What they think of love. Their perspective on faith and religion. And what type of mate they will pursue.

How do I know this? Because I was a teenager and I had teen friends. Glad we cleared that up! LOL ;)

The things teens should be reading and watching and listening to should be REAL things. The best alternative to Twilight that will help your children have a better perspective and view on love is YOUR OWN LOVE STORY. In my last post I talked about honesty and sharing things with others so they may benefit from the lessons you learned. Do you want your child's desires to be based on fantasy, or reality? Are you making an effort to explain and show them what real love is? Or what a real relationship (that takes work) looks like?


Don't let them be influenced by a girl who can't commit to a guy.
Don't let them think there is an Edward somewhere out there who has been waiting hundreds of years for them.
Don't let the media tell them that guys should fight over them.
Don't let your boys feel in competition with a vampire and a werewolf.
Show them what true strength is.

Bring them back to the Word of God.

Love stories are in there!

Let God use your story to teach them.

Don't neglect their hearts.

Don't put your precious children in the pig pen.

Teach them to cherish their purity.

Teach them to wait for the Lord.

Teach them to guard their hearts, even when it is hard.

I would tell people my age to be careful.

Just like the teenagers we are vulnerable to be "woo-ed" by this fantasy relationship that does not exist. There are so many people our age who are lonely and dissatisfied with where they are now (including Christians). What are our desires based on? When we watch movies, do we take them for reality?

This movie is not reality. There is no such thing as vampires and werewolves. There is no Edward, there is no Jacob. And you are not Bella. You are better.
This story is make-believe. The relationship NEVER happened and it NEVER will. If you are going to watch this movie, or any other relationship movie...keep in mind...that it is fake. Don't give yourself false-hope.

The a movie.

The Acting was okay. You can definitely tell that Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner have learned a lot in acting and they are applying it. I personally think that Kristen Stewart "over act's" almost like someone who is just starting out (I think she did great in "Panic Room"). But I am not one to say anything because I know nothing about acting other than being in the audience LOL.

The Picture was amazing. The wedding took my breath away. They should have played different music when she came down the isle, maybe they wanted to steer away from the "traditional" wedding music. I would have liked to have seen more of them exploring the island during the honeymoon. It looked like they had the WHOLE island to themselves for like 2 weeks!

The Story-line was easy to follow (for someone who has seen the other ones) and they took their time on the wedding and honeymoon and then the baby. You didn't feel like you were "missing out" on parts of the story. Though I felt like the baby part was drawn out.

The Ending was so kept you on your seat but it didn't hurt to leave. You kind of knew what was going to happen and I left wondering what else they could fit in Part Two because it seemed like it ended well. At least where other movies end completely! lol.


I hope you enjoyed my review and that you gained something from it. If you have questions, I will try to answer them.
These are my thoughts, but I seek God's Word in all things. It is my goal to guard my heart, to honor God and to obey Him. I pray that He would direct you on what is best for you. This review is not just for Twilight but all fantasy-relationship movies.

May we all stay in reality soaked in God's wisdom. :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Prayer Journal Entry a year ago: November 22nd 2010

"Proverbs 3:3-6

You will make my paths straight. With all my heart I will trust You God. I love You Lord, and not just because of all You have done to and for me, but for who You are. Creator, King of kings, Redeemer, Lover, Lord, Healer, Brighter than the sun, Beauty, Love, Hope, Holy, Righteous, You are higher than any other, God over all. King of my heart, Lover of my soul, Lord of my life. Blessed by Your name.

Love always,
Your Girl
=D *muah"

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Are we guarding our hearts? Part Two

"Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the does of the field: Do not awaken love until it desires" Song of Solomon 3:5

Why would Solomon give such a charge? And what does it mean?


This is a subject I never tire talking, writing or reading on.
I have watched many people in my life and people who cross my path fall captive to the worlds thoughts of love and purpose. I have heard Christians profess that God is the ruler over every aspect of their life, but never seek Him in relationships with the opposite sex.
Are failed relationships the result of love and then that love leaving, or is it the result of poor planning, unhonest honesty and no one keeping guard?

You hear success stories from many couples about how they knew they were meant for each other at a certain point in their relationship. But what about the ones before? Did they know their ex's weren't meant for them, yet they stayed with them until a drastic end? This is a question NO ONE brings up during "love story" telling time because everyone only wants to hear the good stuff...not the bad. Yet, all through life, we learn lessons based on mistakes and based on poor decisions...yet, we hide them. And then there are children, teens and even adults who are floating around in uncharted waters going along with everyone else because no one told them what lies ahead.


"Sharing is Caring"

If people really cared about others they would tell them where they went wrong. What traps the devil set for them. How they got to the point of sin without knowing until it was too late. If no one is being open about their mistakes NO ONE will learn from them! If you, yourself learned, and came out knowing it wasn't right and are sure that you indeed made a mistake...that excitement and knowledge you get once out of it SHOULD lead you to warn someone else.

That is what I believe is in this verse. He was being captivated by emotions and temptations, he didn't want others to fall into the trap.


Let's break it down...


There is no room for questions in that charge. Just don't do it!
But he also goes on it say when, which is totally cool. I think he knew that if he just said "do not awaken love" everyone would not believe him. He would be crazy. I mean how can we not awaken love, what would be the point in life, without love?


This gives the impression that love has a certain time it is supposed to be awakened. Hum...who do you think set up that "time" for love? Who would be in control of loves "clock"? Who would understand exactly the right time for the love to be awakened?

None but the first LOVER-God.


Implies that we can awaken it before it's time.
Many people get stumped on sex before marriage. How could God set a rule, yet give us the ability to have it beforehand?
I'd say, Free Will.
Even though God has a perfect time for things...we have a choice to have it now, or later. The problem with having it now, when it's meant for that we aren't ready.
God knows us better than we know He knows the perfect time, spot and mindset when we should have it.
It's like Christmas...if you go snooping around looking for the present before Christmas, then Christmas morning is less of a surprise. And if you open a gift, that was meant for Christmas ruin the excitement all together and often hurt the one that got it for you, and wanted you to be surprised that day.
God is disappointed when people open His gift before it is time to, because He knows the perfect moment and after that gift is can never get it back. That wonder and excitement that would have been there is now less than what it could have been.


Not awakening love does not just mean not having sex.

Love is a deep longing for someone, a desire to love them with all that you are and give them all that you have. To be totally devoted to them without needing anything in return.

The love of a husband and wife desires to be awakened in marriage.

The love that is experienced when engaged...desires to be awakened with the proposal.

The love that grows while knowing each other so long and learning about one another desires to be awakened in courtship.


Love is not a vending macine.

You don't pick what you want and it pops into your hands.

Love is a flower.

You have to have the right seed...the right soil that's ready to take care of the seed..the right season...and the right place where it can be warmed by the sun and watered by the rain.
It won't pop up in a day. It takes time.

And if you plan to have the right seed, soil, season and will be a beautiful flower.

In times of drought you will have to water the times of winter, you will have to keep it safe.

The seed is...God's love and understanding His will

The soil is...your life, are you prepared for a seed? Are you soft and nourishing?

The season is...when God has prepared you and told you that you are ready

The place obedience...

The sun is...God looking at your love, being the very food that makes it grow

The rain is....the Word of God, soaking the flower all the way to it's roots to strengthen it.

Some flowers can't stand the winter, some can't even drink the water, and some were planted in the shade away from the sun. It withers and dies.


Are you ready for love?

Is this the time God set up?

Are you ready to to grow a flower?

If you aren't ready, your flower will not be all it can be.

If you aren't ready, you will miss the excitement meant for you when it desires.


Continue to seek God's will and not your own agenda.
We really don't know it all. We barely know anything as humans.
God knows it all.
Trust Him.
And wait for the love He has already planned for you.
If you do, it will be a beautiful flower.


For the flowers that were planted before their time and are struggling to survive or have withered away. Let God uproot your flower and place you in His light. There is still hope for you. You may not have gotten the excitement on Christmas because you opened your present early...but God still wants to bless you. It will take time to nourish your flower again...but if you stay in the light and let the rain seep into your roots you will be beautiful again.


This is Mandy, The First Kiss Girl, and I'm so blessed God uses my hands to reach hearts for Him. Once again, The Lord wrote this, not me. And if you are reading's for you. I bet He had a plan all along for this post :)

(There might be a Part Three...keep an eye out)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Are we guarding our hearts? Part One

[Thought starter:]

The Heart is a very special place. It is the organ that keeps our blood flowing which keeps us alive. It is also where all things about us come from.
It is no surprise that God told us to "guard it" (Prov. 4:23) and that what we do comes from our heart (Matt. 15:18-20).
However, I have to ask...have we considered these things? Have we considered our heart? Have we made it a point to be guarding it "above all else"?

I grieve for this generation, okay, all generations. Since Adam and Eve we have struggled with the very thing that created us, love. But of course the love of "infatuation" is not the same love God had when He, with His own hands, created us. In comparison to God's love, infatuation love doesn't seem like love at all. We say we experience "love" to such an extreme, to the point of not being able to control ourselves. Yet, we "fall out of it". This puzzles me. Extremely.
Where would humans, the world, the whole universe be if God just "fell out of love". WE WOULD BE DEAD! (God, thank you that Your ways are so much higher than ours!)

This infatuation "love" is intense, I'll give it that. But it isn't really love. It's like a wolf in sheep's clothing (John 10:1-18) looks cute and soft and even says "baaaa" like a good little sheep...but THAT AIN'T NO's a wolf. Definitely, a wolf. A teeth gnashing, drool hanging from it's mouth, unkept fur (you get the picture) wolf. Sadly, you may not know it is until you find your sheep slaughtered with blood on their once soft, puffy white wool (oh, beautiful wool). So who is this wolf?? It's name is lust. Now, don't get all offended like "I am not in lust. You just don't understand. You've never been in love like this!". Oh, I've heard it all. The thing is, I do understand. See you don't have to own the sheep to know who killed can watch from a distance. Or even catch him before he attempts to pounce. Oh yes, I've been there. In and out of "love"...feeling like my heart had been slaughtered as I grieved over the wool, I mean, sheep. :)

I know what he looks like. And boy, does he know how to play a good sheep! luckily, I have better security now...I thoroughly investigate every sheep that comes in my pasture. I've also recruited some help to make the security even more...well, secure ;)

So what does this all mean in guarding your heart??

I'll give that question to you, to think about...

What does this all mean in YOU guarding YOUR own heart?


Meanings from
Guard: To watch over or shield, to keep watch over, to control, to take precautions, to control entrance and exit, to provide a device to protect the operator.


1 Corinthians 13:4-8a(NKJV)
"Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails."

If love "never fails" and it "endures all things" then, is the "love" that so many people, couples and marriages "fall out of" really love?

Are we being fooled by the wolf? Are we not checking our sheep?

[Teaser for Part Two:]

Everyone wants to be loved. Everyone wants to have romance and excitement.

But what if God wants those things for us too??

What if He set up the perfect time for us to have our romance??

The perfect time that would make it 100 times better than any other time.

The perfect time that you can't have any other time.

What if you wait for that perfect time??

What if that perfect time will grow even better the more you "suffer long", "not seek your own" and "endure all things"??

"Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the does of the field: Do not awaken love until it desires" Song of Solomon 3:5


Until my next post...ask God "In what ways can I better guard my heart? How do I inspect my sheep?"

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

An Anniversary to Remember

On Saturday February 26th of 2011, my dear hubby of 25 years was admitted into the hospital with congestive heart failure. He had been suffering with diagnosed heart disease for over 10 years. He was on meds, all kinds of meds.
The hospital removed 20 pounds of fluid from his body over the course of 24 hours. He had no ankle swelling, it all pooled in his chest cavity and since he is italian, hey, he had the italian belly, you know the one you see when in brooklyn. WE had no idea.
The cardiologist came in on sunday morning and needless to say I stated that we cannot continue living like this. His strength over the past 2 years was decreasing, he wasn't sleeping well, he was getting depressed from all the meds and his mental state was not my wonderful hubby. "We need to do something!!!!" So he recommended us to the INOVA heart center, the specialist. The cardiologist did say that it may take some time to get an appointment. They called Monday morning with an appointment for Wednesday morning.
Wednesday morning, we met the "team". They looked at my hubby, the specialist said, "by looking at you, I can tell you've had this condition quite a long time, as a matter of fact longer that most people survive with it. Your on borrowed time. Your body is starting to starve from blood supply, you have a short time left. If you make it thru the next 2 months, I will be surprised". Yea, my mouth dropped.
God! He can reach down and touch the lives anyone He chooses to, at any time He chooses to do what He chooses. Since He is so perfect in Love, what He does is always the most perfect thing. We cannot in our limited human mind understand or even sometimes accept this Love. It is too great for us. Only when we will stand with Him in heaven(if we have accepted the gift of His Son's sacrifice) will we be able to understand. So for now, I trust Him in all areas of my life as well as the life of those whom I love. I have been witness to His miracles

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mandy's Thoughts "King of Anything"

Okay, so I'm not sure if y'all have heard Sarah Bareilles' song "King of anything". I've heard it before, but one day I payed attention to the message it was conveying. I took out my jounal and wrote my thoughts. This is some of my thoughts about, not just the song, but the message...
This song is just another relationship/breakup main-stream song. Which influences this generation to think that it is normal to have boyfriend's/girlfriend's and that it is totally acceptable to go in and out of relationships having messy breakups, leaving pieces of your heart and body in your "lover's" (not enemy's) hand.
As you may probably guess, this is a subject I am very vocal about and against. While these song writers/singers MAY not know any better and are probably just trying to make money, they are a part of the trend of broken hearts, divorces, greed and immaturity in this present generation and even the ones before. This isn't anything new, but it needs to be spoken about.
I personally believe that all issues of infidelity, pride, immaturity, selfishness, and breakups come from the heart, and a failure to protect it as God instructs.

God gives us instructions all throughout His Word about how we are to live, what mindset would benefit us and which wouldn't. He understands human nature better than anyone else and He loves us more than humanly possible :). He warns us because He loves us, He warns us because He KNOWS EVERYTHING (and isn't cocky or prideful!).
Yet we see an endless trend of dissatisfaction and pain in our American culture. Which is the result of disobeying and forgetting God and His Word.
The media preaches (I say preaches because there isn't room for debate, and if you don't think the same you are considered crazy, trust me I know-I'm "crazy") sex, dating, greed, drunkenness, and disrespect-unless of course you like the person. It has become the "norm" to have dating relationship after dating relationship, breakup after breakup, sex before marriage, children before marriage and never obey anyone else but yourself. Forget "the blind leading the blind" now the blind really think they can see!

To seek a "movement" or "protest" against this kind of message and lifestyle would be a waste of time. We know we are in the end times and it will only get worse. But does that mean we, individually, "put up with it"? BY NO MEANS! I'm not going to sit there and write a secular radio station and tell them what they shouldn't play...I know my letter would end up in the trash! But I can however, share how influential the media is and call it out for it's message to teens and my friends. It isn't MY job to change people's minds, or the world for that matter. It is MY JOB to share what the Lord has told me with everyone I know.

Many people have different beliefs and views on choices of music and movies...which is fine. I'm not going to say everyone has to listen to "Christian music"...but I will bring some thoughts to light that some have swept under the rug...

Even without listening to breakup, or dating, or sex songs...Is your lifestyle and choices you make saying that lifestyle is OK? If you REALLY don't listen to secular you not date? do you not go from breakup to breakup? Do you speak against sex before marriage?
It is not about the music we listen to, but about THE LIFE WE LIVE.
It isn't the music that defines who we are, but the choices we make. BUT, we must KNOW the music we listen and what it says...and make a decision on it's influence in our lives. (It doesn't benefit a person who is refaining from sex to listen to sex songs. But just because someone doesn't listen to sex songs, doesn't mean they aren't having sex)

This song "king of anything" could be applied in many different relationship scenarios. But the jest of the songs message is "you can't tell me what to do". What if a daughter said that to her parents? Or a wife to her husband? Or, as many have, to God?
Here, this song is setting the "independent" mindset of not needing anyone. Which in the end leaves people alone, sad and angry.

Are you focused on music, or your lifestyle?
Are you following the trend, or being obedient to God?
Are you more concerned about the music you listen to, or the choices you make?

Here are the lyrics:

"King Of Anything"
Oh (oh oh oh)
Oh (oh oh oh)
Oh (oh oh oh)
Oh (oh oh oh)

Keep drinkin' coffee
Stare me down across the table
While I look outside

So many things I'd say if only I were able
But I just keep quiet
And count the cars that pass by

You've got opinions, man
We're all entitled to 'em
But I never asked

So let me thank you for time
And try to not waste any more of mine
Get out of here fast

I hate to break it to you babe
But I'm not drowning
There's no one here to save

Who cares if you disagree
You are not me
Who made you king of anything
So you dare tell me who to be
Who died
And made you king of anything

Oh (oh oh oh)
Oh (oh oh oh)
Oh (oh oh oh)
Oh (oh oh oh)

You sound so innocent
All full of good intent
You swear you know best

But you expect me to
Jump up on board with you
Ride off into your dellusional sunset

I'm not the one who's lost
With no direction oh
But you won't ever see

You're so busy makin' maps
With my name on them in all caps
You got the talkin' down just not the listening

And who cares if you disagree
You are not me
Who made you king of anything
So you dare tell me who to be
Who died
And made you king of anything

All my life
I've tried
To make everybody happy while I
Just hurt
And hide
Waitin' for someone to tell me it's my turn
To decide

Oh (oh oh oh)
Oh (oh oh oh)
Oh (oh oh oh)
Oh (oh oh oh)

Who cares if you disagree
You are not me
Who made you king of anything
So you dare tell me who to be
Who died
And made you king of anything

Who cares if you disagree
You are not me
Who made you king of anything
So you dare tell me who to be
Who died
And made you king of anything

Let me hold your crown, babe
Oh oh

Friday, September 9, 2011

Prayer Jounal entry exactly a year ago: September 9th 2010

" "Everything I do, I do it for You"

I have a very different relationship with You than most people. I feel so romanced, and held in Your presence. You are not just my Savior, You are my Savior because You are my husband. You always have been. I want Your character, everything about You to beam from every part of my life every single day I want every thought to walk hand in hand with Your thoughts.
I want You God! All of You, all Your love, beauty & grace. And I want it all to be seen in me. I want Your joy to be my joy, Your pain to be my pain and Your love to be my love.
God I am and sealed! I have come, ready for my duties. As a Princess of the King. To take up my armor every day. And wash my life in the Blood all day.
What can I do for You God? How can I bring You glory today, Jesus?

You are my blessing :)
You are my happiness :D

<3 always
Your Princess
only Yours! "

God has been there with me all through this year (well, He always is!) He has taught me so much about myself and about Himself this year. I have faced many trials but even as I sit here, not having the best day...I KNOW with all my heart that He is here with me! He is never going to leave me, even when my eyes are blurred and I can't see Him is just my vision that is off, He is still there!

So today I would like to challenge all of You to remember:
  • Who your God is
  • How big He is
  • How much He loves you
  • how small your problems are in comparison
  • that He will NEVER leave or forsake you
  • you need not worry (even about money, food, shelter)
  • do not fear
  • He is not only your Savior and King, but your TRUE LOVE (no one will ever love you more)
May He be the focus of all His children's hearts today...

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Moving...or waiting?

First Kiss Girl here, and I'd like to share a regular life lesson everyone faces at least once, if not multiple times! Waiting on the Lord.

Things change in our lives, often it seems when we just get used to the consistency. This isn't due to God's humor, but its His Will; which we will never know fully. It is a part of life for doors to close and others to open-or maybe just a window. But before the next door opens, what do we do? Do we wait around, (as Paul would say...) by no means! We WATCH and wait, we seek and wait, we seek possibilities and wait.

This is SO easy to say, but with every different experience, that isn't all there is. With each unique waiting experience, its more complicated.

I'm still praying about where God wants me this Fall. My passion for youth and purity is strong again, but I'm also struggling with fear. I tend to not jump on big things because of my fear of failure, and not being good enough. This fear, I know, is the enemy trying to stop me! I'm also praying about overcoming this.
I have found things to do, such as: I assist at another youth group, I'm catching up on some reading, and I'm helping my Mom. But thinking about the things I need money for, hangs over my head almost everyday.

When I think about how I could make money, the only things I want to do are things that will help equip me for my husband and home. My dream job would be to work at a church under leadership I trust. But that isn't logical right now.
A part of me feels that this road block is because of my sin of laziness and fear and that until I change I might never get a clear this is true that God would wait until I change or not...this makes me a little stressed.

Then I think about just doing SOMETHING no matter how big or small that would bring God glory. Sounds great! But where?
(this is an example of the thoughts I are currently in Mandy's mind!)

So find just a job...or wait for God to make it clear?

I want nothing more than to be in youth ministry more, but (yes, another "but" lol) that doesn't pay for gas or outings.

There is so much ruining through my mind ALL DAY about what I should be doing and if I'm being the best I can. Then verses like Psalm 46:10 come to my mind

"Be still, and know that I am God"

And, Jeremiah 32:27

"I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?"

And, Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you' declares the Lord 'plans to prosper you not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"

God is able!
He can put me where He wants me even with my fear.
He HAS already blessed me that I live with my parents and my Dad is able to still take care of me financially.
I have already learned so much, and I have more to learn.
I will TRUST...but
I will also OBEY...(Matthew 6:25, 34)

My prayer is to be a PROVERBS 31 woman. And truly have DILIGENT HANDS (Proverbs 10:4).

Please intercede for me if God calls you too. Thank you!

posted from Bloggeroid

Thursday, September 1, 2011

It's Amanda's Birthday

Amazing, 22 years ago, I gave birth to this dark haired, BIG eyed little girl. I was induced. Swore I would never do that again. Horrible labor, tough delivery, but the Creator of all, saw me through. I remember praying as I was laboring. But as with most deliveries, we recover. We see that sweet little child in our arms and all we can do is love them with everything in our being. Children are a blessing, from the Lord! They are not trophies, dolls, products of our own selfish desires. They are created by the creator of all and He forms them. In the garden of Eden, the children would have been perfect, there would have been no labor. But, as Eve and Adam, went against God's only rule. It was just one rule. You can have everything around you except this one thing. Sin, sin has caused labor, miscarriages, deformed children, etc. Our bodies are not perfect, so they cannot produce perfect children. But, by God's wonderful grace and the redemption through HIS SON, we are able to handle the imperfections.
My daughter has become a women after God's own heart. What more could I want for Her?
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. " Matthew 6:33 Happy Birthday my Amanda Rose.

Monday, August 29, 2011

I'll Praise You in the Storm

Yesterday was the day of: God's faithfulness and provision.


I teach Sunday school infant-K. The lesson was about Elijah and the widow (1 Kings 17:7-16), this is one of my favorite stories as it really shows how God provides for us everyday just what we need. He is actually probably the only one who really knows what we need. As I prepared for the lessons I was reminded about all that God has done and provided in my life.


After Sunday school, during worship service the choir sang a song that went right along with the theme of the day (that was becoming known to me).

Praise You in This Storm
by Casting Crowns
words by Mark Hall/music by Mark Hall and Bernie Herms

I was sure by now,God, that You would have reached down
and wiped our tears away,
stepped in and saved the day.
But once again, I say amen
and it's still raining
as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain,
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away.
And I'll praise you in this storm
and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are
no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

I remember when I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry to You
and raised me up again
my strength is almost gone how can I carry on
if I can't find You
and as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away
I lift my eyes onto the hills
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth
I lift my eyes onto the hills
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth

My eyes started to tear as I thought about the storms I am facing right now.
As my Mom mentioned in her last post, my Dad has a LVAD heart pump. When he is able to receive a transplant he will be out of work for almost 6 months. We have tried to come up with ways we will make it through those months and have started preparing. My Mom sells crafts at a Farmers Market, and we are trying to be very wise with money. However, I am currently not working.
I have my own small business being a Mothers Helper but there has not been many calls coming in. God convicted my heart about not being a Nanny (with responsibility in raising the children) but that I should be a helper in those times when things get a little chaotic for Mom's. I've been praying for the past 2 months about what the Lord wants me to do this Fall, and I haven't had a clear reply. So I am a little frustrated.
Then as I thought about how God has been there through my storms, I began to think about last Spring when my courtship with a young man ended. The healing from that relationship was one of the most painful I have ever been through. This song would pretty much reflect my prayers during that time.


The Scripture for service was:
Hebrews 12: 22-29 "But you have come to Mount Zion, to the Heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly, to the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven. You have come to God, the judge of all men, to the spirits of righteous men made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel."

The difference between Mount Zion and Mount Sinai (v. 18-21) is that Mount Sinai is for the unbeliever, for them to realise their sin. Whereas, Mount Zion is for the believer and is a place of forgiveness. When you come to Mount Zion you will see:
  • City of the living God our new Home. Our address has changed.
  • Greeted by the angels
  • The Church of the firstborn. We are enrolled in Heaven.
  • God the judge of all. All Christians will stand to be judged FOR their works, not BY their works.
  • The Old Testament Saints
  • You will see Jesus. Our mediator and our advocate. When Satan goes up the heaven and tries to accuse us of wrong and points out our sin to God saying "look what she is doing"...Jesus pleads our case. Isn't that cool!
  • The Blood. God can't see our sin behind Jesus' blood.
How exciting to be reminded of the joy and blessing of following God!
As we had our Hymn of commitment "Blessed Assurance" a dear couple came up to share God's provision in their lives recently. The husband was blessed with work...4 times over!!! He gave it to the Lord and TRUSTED...and God blessed them. But not before a little bit of storms.


We ended service with the Chorus "I know Whom I have Believed".
I walked out feeling so sure of who I was...a child of God. All of these stories and verses and songs encouraged a way only the Lord could. I have been so worried about my Dad, money, my love-life, and I've even been worried about worrying...because I know, as I've always known, God will take care of me. God decided to encourage me more with the Widow and the oil jugs that never went dry, and a song that spoke right to my heart, and a sermon to remind me of my calling. HE LOVES ME!!! :)


I was trying to plan my birthday party and I want some friends to sleep over, and my Mom reminds me that my Uncle is coming down this weekend. This isn't a bad thing. But it messed up the vision I had in my head of how I wanted the party and sleepover to go. Now, I am going to be 22, so most of my friends are older as it doesn't present that big of a problem...but it just wasn't what I had planned. I was upset, so I went to my room to vent and pray and somehow calm down. It took a while.
I sang hymn's, listened to music and prayed, but I still felt all "fired up" inside. So I prayed again. I grabbed my Bible and asked God to speak His truth to me in this time and opened it opened up where is seems to be landing psalms (due to the crease). I began reading the pages that opened, not sure what I would find. Then, there is was...

"Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord as been good to you" Psalm 116:7

It may not seem like much but it was incredibly humbling! I realised that this was not the end of the world and God has been so good to me that I didn't NEED to have this party or even figure out what to do. My prayer turned from requests, to thanksgiving. And my mood turned too :)


Many of my friends no longer live at home, due to disagreements, "independence" or school. I however, am still at home, and am convicted to stay. I'm convinced that God is honoring my request when I was 13..."prepare me for marriage now, so that I will be a good wife and mother". Let me say, I am very prepared for disputes! I know when I should not say things, when I should "cool off" and when I need to compromise. Though my teen years I gained much wisdom from my parents, which I believe was a blessing from Homeschooling. Now, as a new adult...I am learning WAY more from my parents, lessons that can only be learned when you are with them A LOT. I would be missing out if I moved out when the temptation came. My parents do not, by any means, "lord over me". We all have responsibilities in the house and we all encourage each other. I am able to still talk to my Dad about boys and he is able to still protect me. I am able to help my Mom and she is able to help me. We all draw each other back to the Lord and His Word and we all do not get along all the time. Let's face it, if we did, there would be a problem!

So yesterday was another lesson I might have missed out on if I was "miss independent". I am so grateful to my parents for being my helpers and for them encouraging me. I'm also so happy that God convicted me to be a stay-at-home-daughter, it teaches me to be a stay-at-home-wife...because let's face wouldn't be right to leave my husband and move out when I want independence, if things get hard...or if I want to follow "my dreams".


If we are true followers of Jesus Christ "our dream" would be to obey and honor the Lord with what HE calls us to...NOT through what WE want!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Should we be homeschooling?

Did I mention, we home school our children? My husband & I have 5 children. Oldest 31, youngest 6. Yes he was a late blessing. I was almost 48 when I had him. Anyway...homeschooling allowed our children to follow the path the Lord had for them, well, after some took their own path, but , their on their way back. So...first kiss girl...she was home schooled from grade 3 till she graduated. During that time, she spent a lot and I mean a lot of time with the Lord. In her room studying scripture, reading about how she should be as a child of God. Praying, singing, writing. She has so many journals, I hope she publishes them soon. There is a lot in there for young girls to read and learn.
What if we had not obeyed the word of the Lord to home school? What if I, a mom with a high school education and a technical school education, had given into my own fears of being in adequate? What if I said, "not me Lord", I'm just not able to do that". What if Moses said no to God on Mt. Sinai? George Washington Carver said in an interview that the wisdom he got in botany, he got from God. As a matter of fact, they mocked him. When I read that in the sower series books, I thought. That is how I am. I asked the Lord daily to give me the wisdom I needed for each school day and He did. Some days, we went so deep, I was amazed. Trusting. That is what I did. Trust Him to guide me. Don't get me wrong, I had to research, read, pray.
Some very prominent people say"homeschooling is not for all Christians". I'm not sure I agree. With the mess of the "government schools" I think the only way to be sure that our children get a good education through "wisdom" is for parents to follow the mandate to "train up our children in the ways of the Lord". How can you do that if they are on the bus at 7AM and don't get home till 4:45pm. Its crazy. And then do all the other things in the evening before the rat race the next morning.
During the past 15 years, home schooling, we burried 3 brothers, 2 fathers, 1 dear uncle, out of state, relocated from NJ to VA, had many miscarriages, 2 children got married out of state, had double by pass heart surgery, delivered a baby. Now my husband has an LVAD, waiting for a heart transplant.
Life and it's responsibilities is some of the greatest teaching tools. It doesn't happen only after the 7-4:45. It happens all day. God, is available 24/7. When would my daughter seek Him if she were not available?
Just a thought? Shalom

Friday, August 26, 2011

Did God give us warnings? Proverbs 22:3

How many times have you gone past a rattlesnake and heard the sound of it's tail shake at you? OK so maybe you didn't "personally" walk past a snake, but you know, alot of those western movies had rattlesnakes in them. You would see that snake lift up his tail, and shake it at someone like the dickens. You know the inside of the snakes tail is a material just like our nails. God is incredible. In His creation, we see so many ways He used what he had already made somewhere else...ut oh, gonna get of subject. I do that a lot...bear with me. So the snake shakes his tail as a warning..."get away from me or I will bite you!" If he bites you, your in big could DIE!. Do you go near that snake? NOOOOOOO! You head the warning and if you have half a brain you run. Run as far away as you can.
Proverbs 22:3 says" A prudent person foresees the danger ahead and takes precautions; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences." In the Bible(God's Word) there are many, many, many warnings of what could happen if you do not heed what He instructs. But do we follow them? Or do we just go along with the crowd, just like everyone else, like sheep being lead to the slaughter. When will we wake up and see that the ways of the world lead to destruction, but narrow is the way of the Lord. It's not a wide pathway, cause there are lots of "rattlesnakes". We need to walk, following the One who knows the Way, cause He can see farther down the path than we can.
We had an earthquake, less than 50 miles from our home this week. We never had an earthquake before and there was no warning. No damage to us or our loved ones or our home. Praise God. This weekend, the storm called "Irene" is scheduled to come this way. We have been warned, we prepared. Water, flashlights, food, generator, filled the tub with water (we have a well). We're ready.
God warned Pharoah of Egypt about a famine, He warned Pharoah to let His people go, He warned the Israilites...all the thru the book of Judges, we read how they did "what was right in their own eyes". That means they did not head what the Lord had told them of how to live a "good and prosperous life".
What warnings has the Lord given to you through His word or even through the consequences of what your friends are experiencing? Are you aware? Are you listening?
I was not raised in a Christian home. I am a first generation American Citizen. My parents were seperated when I was 2. I was infant baptized Ukranian Orthodox, educated Seventh Day Adventist, married by a Presbyterian pastor. I did not know the Lord or even understand His warnings. My parents did not teach me His ways.
My husband and I stood face to face in the 7th year of our marriage and promised to the Lord to raise His children by the Book...His Book. We are now married 26 years... That my friends is for another day.
May you seek the Word of God, follow His instructions and stay away from the ways of this world. God loves you, He sent His son Jesus, to die for your mess ups(sinns). You just need to recognize you are a sinner, ask God to forgive you and Jesus to be the Lord of your life. That is your first step. Pray! Let me know if you did that, I will be so happy. Shalom!

First post from my phone

I'm not sure about all of you (if anyone is reading this, lol) but I have not been sleeping well lately. I've been praying, trying to see if its something in my control, like worry. But I just don't know.
On the topic of all this nature stuff happening, with the earthquake and now the hurricane coming up the coast, it makes me think of the End Times. Then I think "if it is coming, am I prepared? Did I witness enough? Did I represent the Lord in my life?" Its a lot to think about.
There is only one person I feel I left things "unfinished" with and that's my neighbor. Growing up I would go to her house and play. She's a few years younger. We talked about the Lord and I often brought my Bible to answer her questions and we would sit on the hammock and talk. Then, we grew up and I stopped visiting. I invited her family to VBS at our church right down the road but really nothing else.

Then, I think about what I'm doing now. Am I doing my best and all that God has asked me to? I'm not sure if I know the answer to that but all of this just makes me THINK.
We should always have this mindset. We should always be thinking about Eternity and always have a sense of urgency. But so often we get caught up in our day to day lives and how we can be amazing people on earth, we forget the only approval that matters is God's.

I will end with this to ponder: Are you doing all you can for God? Is He the reason for everything you do and choose to do? Are you ready to leave this earth? Can you hear His voice saying "well done, thy good and faithful servant"?

posted from Bloggeroid

Thursday, August 25, 2011

For the glory of God

Hi everyone.
Over the past few months my Mom and I have been talking about starting a Blog. We want to open up the conversations we have and I want girls to know they are not alone.
The purpose of this Blog is communication between Mother, Daughter and the Lord.
God has been using my Mother to carve me ever since I was very young. To this day, I still glean from her wisdom and LOVE talking and laughing with her.
I plan to get on here and write about things God shows me some days, things I struggle with and hilarious things that happen. I want it to be open for discussion on topics.

Yes, here I am, the MOM! We are hoping that you can glean from our own relationship together and with the Lord. How He has lead the way in our walk together as Mother and Daughter and how He still continues to lead us down His path.  I am a mom of 5, grandmother of 7. My oldest child is 31, my youngest is 6.  We have much to share for the Lord's glory and honor. We welcome you in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.