Did I mention, we home school our children? My husband & I have 5 children. Oldest 31, youngest 6. Yes he was a late blessing. I was almost 48 when I had him. Anyway...homeschooling allowed our children to follow the path the Lord had for them, well, after some took their own path, but , their on their way back. So...first kiss girl...she was home schooled from grade 3 till she graduated. During that time, she spent a lot and I mean a lot of time with the Lord. In her room studying scripture, reading about how she should be as a child of God. Praying, singing, writing. She has so many journals, I hope she publishes them soon. There is a lot in there for young girls to read and learn.
What if we had not obeyed the word of the Lord to home school? What if I, a mom with a high school education and a technical school education, had given into my own fears of being in adequate? What if I said, "not me Lord", I'm just not able to do that". What if Moses said no to God on Mt. Sinai? George Washington Carver said in an interview that the wisdom he got in botany, he got from God. As a matter of fact, they mocked him. When I read that in the sower series books, I thought. That is how I am. I asked the Lord daily to give me the wisdom I needed for each school day and He did. Some days, we went so deep, I was amazed. Trusting. That is what I did. Trust Him to guide me. Don't get me wrong, I had to research, read, pray.
Some very prominent people say"homeschooling is not for all Christians". I'm not sure I agree. With the mess of the "government schools" I think the only way to be sure that our children get a good education through "wisdom" is for parents to follow the mandate to "train up our children in the ways of the Lord". How can you do that if they are on the bus at 7AM and don't get home till 4:45pm. Its crazy. And then do all the other things in the evening before the rat race the next morning.
During the past 15 years, home schooling, we burried 3 brothers, 2 fathers, 1 dear uncle, out of state, relocated from NJ to VA, had many miscarriages, 2 children got married out of state, had double by pass heart surgery, delivered a baby. Now my husband has an LVAD, waiting for a heart transplant.
Life and it's responsibilities is some of the greatest teaching tools. It doesn't happen only after the 7-4:45. It happens all day. God, is available 24/7. When would my daughter seek Him if she were not available?
Just a thought? Shalom
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